Monday, November 12, 2012

Life vs Death


Everyone can die anytime..
Some people can't even say goodbye, some people still waiting for miracle happen..
Some people still fight with all the sickness
They are very suffer and pain..
We, healthy people still need to complain so many things
The suffer and pain that we are facing is not as suffer as them
What for we still need to complain?

They are scare, they are afraid of leaving from this world
Some people even leave this world without knowing God
Some people want to know more about God but they doesn't have the chance
What I want to say is..
There is a very cute and happy girl is fighting with the sickness
She said she not afraid of pain but she afraid of leaving..

I brought her to my church 1 year ago
But I didn't share testimony to her, I'm regret just because I'm afraid to share
I don't know how to start to share with her
I scare she will not happy or afraid to come to church anymore
But now she doesn't have the chance to listen,to see
What I can do now is just to pray hard
I hope Jesus will go into her heart to comfort her

She is a very brave girl, she never give up on what she is facing right now
But her condition is getting serious now..
Her family said they rather to let her go, because they too love her
They don't want her to be suffer anymore
But she doen't scare of pain! She afraid of LEAVING!
Doctor said she has to decide by herself, whether she wants to stay or go..
Of course everyone hope that she stay and don't give up!
But now we can't even talk to her, because she can't listen and can't see..
They just can hold her hands to support her.
She just a 17-year-old girl, she has a very bright future
But why brain cancer must attack her?!

She taught me that we really have to cherish everyone around us
We never know what's gonna happen next
This day I really can't control my tears, I almost fainted
I doesn't like to hear "cancer" this word
I know the feeling, I know how hurt it is..
9 years ago my heart broke into pieces,
9 years after my heart really can't bear it anymore
Since small, I doesn't need a person to comfort me or hug me when I'm crying but...
Now I just hope that someone really can hug me tightly and comfort me

(12.11.2012) 2am, We all got the same news from a person
We all cried, we all complaint, we all can't accept the truth
But we have to be brave, we have to be strong
If she never give up, WE CAN'T GIVE UP TOO!
At least now we still can pray for her!

"Dear Lord, I pray that you give her strength to overcome all this. I pray that you go into her heart to comfort her as I know that she is very scare. I pray that her family can be strong as her. Amen"

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