My dear brother 17th birthday :) This video took me more than 48 hours to finish it. Yes it looks simple but the front part.. 1 minute = 100 pictures Is my first time to do this kind of video Consider as a challenge for me My photoshop is not that good but I willing to learn I learn from youtube for few days and then I start to make this video Photoshop is a very interesting software If you know how to use, is very cool to use it
I try to make it like made by those pro people Maplestory celebration and the front part are just a trap A trap to let my brother to feel interested on it and watch it! HAHA is works. xD He cried after he watch it But then that time I not at home,couldn't see how touched was he He hug me right after I step into my house I'm shocked but I feel so proud for doing all those He is the only brother, is my pleasure to do something for him Can you feel my love towards you? :)
That 48 hours really hard to go through it I have to do it secretly, couldn't let my brother know it When he come into the room, I have to click FB quickly 48 hours, I do it until 3am+ only go and sleep I get stucked when I don't have any idea on it And then I will start to feel moody and feel like want to give up But it didn't happen! The idea come into my mind everytime when I feel sleepy LOL! So I do it non-stop until I really can't open my eyes anymore
Anyway, I still watch this video every day I'm so proud for myself MOVIE MAKER can do such things man! WOW! Unbelievable~~ I can handle photoshop very well too :') I learn a lot of things during this 48 hours It prove that.... "If you willing to learn,willing to learn from mistakes..You will success!"
*I forget to save my PS file T^T As a designer,this kind of feeling can hurt our heart badly! :'(